Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A Couple of Quick Items

A friend shared this item, 5 Things to Never Keep in Your Wallet, with me the other day. It's worth a look, and I agree with each item, though I'm not sure how many folks actually keep a spare house key in their wallet.

The other item is a fun and revealing follow-up to my recent posts about geospatial risk management (1, 2). As you watch, keep in mind that these items were much easier to find using readily available overhead imagery than they were for folks on the ground. The only one of these I knew before watching the video was the grounded ship off the coast of Sudan, which I found on Wikimapia a few years ago. If I could find that, you can only imagine what an adversary could find out about you with just a little background information and access to open source GEOINT resources.

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